Beyond PROX1: transcriptional, epigenetic, and noncoding RNA regulation of lymphatic identity and function



The lymphatic vascular system acts as the major transportation highway of tissue fluids, and its activation or impairment is associated with a wide range diseases. There has been increasing interest in understanding mechanisms that control vessel formation (lymphangiogenesis) function development disease. Here, we discuss recent insights into new players whose identification contributed to deciphering regulatory code. We reveal how endothelial cells, building blocks vessels, utilize their transcriptional, post-transcriptional, epigenetic portfolio commit maintain lineage identity function, particular focus on development. physiological functioning organism ensured through interplay between two systems present our body: blood vasculature. While former broadly studied since discovery, gained research only last 20 years. Since then, significant advances have made elucidating responsible for well role progression several diseases such cancer, chronic inflammation, lymphedema (Oliver et al., 2020Oliver G. Kipnis J. Randolph G.J. Harvey N.L. vasculature 21st century: novel functional roles homeostasis disease.Cell. 2020; 182: 270-296 Full Text PDF PubMed Scopus (23) Google Scholar). unidirectional, blind-ended composed lymph nodes vessels (capillaries, pre-collecting, collecting vessels) (Figure 1A). In peripheral tissues, dense network non-contracting capillaries, single layer cells (LECs), draining fluid, macromolecules pressure-dependent manner from interstitial space. high drainage capacity capillaries by specialized “button-like” junctions (a.k.a. primary valves), discontinuous basement membrane, absence pericyte coverage, anchoring surrounding extracellular matrix. Lymph fluid then transported pre-collectors, containing valves sporadic smooth muscle (SMCs), vessels. Lymphatic collectors possess complete tight “zipper-like” junctions, are surrounded SMCs. Both pre-collecting contain bicuspid structures, namely valves, prevent backflow ensure unidirectionality flow. content actively multiple due intrinsic contractions mediated perivascular It worth mentioning transport can also be achieved additional extrinsic mechanisms, especially lacking SMC pulmonary lymphatics. contraction those relies forces generated (Zawieja, 2009Zawieja D.C. Contractile physiology lymphatics.Lymphat. Res. Biol. 2009; 7: 87-96 (191) Once passed, finally returned trunks, thoracic duct, (Escobedo Oliver, 2016Escobedo N. Oliver Lymphangiogenesis: origin, specification, cell fate determination.Annu. Rev. Cell Dev. 2016; 32: 677-691 (42) Scholar) 1B). Thanks this highly structured network, suited maintenance homeostasis, uptake dietary lipids gastrointestinal tract, and, importantly, trafficking route antigens immune drive initiation responses. 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عنوان ژورنال: Developmental Cell

سال: 2021

ISSN: ['1878-1551', '1534-5807']